Overspray free paint application with EcoPaintJet

Overspray free paint application with EcoPaintJet

One of the most significant and demanding tasks in automobile production is Paint Application. In India, Dürr Paint Application Technology fulfils the requirements of efficiency and quality by customers to a higher degree.

The paint application safeguards the body surface. This technology impacts the optical appearance of automobiles and provides them protection against environmental influences.  

Dürr supplies “Industrial Products” for applying paint and high-viscosity materials in different sectors such as wagon construction, plastics, wood and furniture, ceramics and shipbuilding.

In automation for liquid coating applications, Dürr Paint Application Technology has developed EcoPaintJet or EcoPaintJet Pro in recent years. 

What is an EcoPaintJet/EcoPaintJet Pro?

Majorly used in automotive production, the EcoPaintJet or EcoPaintJet Pro is built to apply paint over a wide range of areas or in simple patterns with high edge definition without any overspray. This has made the technology an excellent option to minimize wastage. 

EcoPaintJet or EcoPaintJet also initiates fast color changes. It has now become available for amalgamation into general industry applications beyond the automotive sector. 

The EcoPaintJet or EcoPaintJet Pro is an innovative and ideal system for automated, overspray-free paint application and its color sprays are of exceptional quality. The EcoPaintJet has an applicator to provide a highly defined coating and a marvellous coordinated combination of robotic measuring systems that use sensors to examine the chosen surface and send the information to the control software. Post this, the software measures exactly how the applicator willmove over the surface and how much paint will be required to be dispensed. One of the most important benefits of the applicator is that it doesn’t create any overspray. This new technologyeliminates the requirement for manual and time-consuming masking during two-tone painting and, thereby, saves time. It is environmentally friendly too.

Operating principle used by EcoPaintJet

The EcoPaintJet has the flexibility to be combined into the painting line of new plants or can be fitted as an extra module into the existing plants.The EcoPaintJet or EcoPaintJet Pro is installed onto a robot, and the decorative paint is directly applied onto the selected surfacefor two-tone painting in the automotive industry. The applicator’s underside is equipped with a nozzle plate with around 50 almost invisible holes measuring approximately one-tenth of a millimetre in diameter. From a distance of 30 mm, through these holes, the paint is applied in parallel lines. Due to all these benefits, the EcoPaintJet or EcoPaintJet Pro has become an ideal choice foraccurate paint application with no overspray.

The benefits or advantages of EcoPaintJetor EcoPaintJet Pro are:

  • Highly accurate and sharply defined coating
  • Body maskingwith EcoPaintJet or EcoPaintJet Proisn’t required anymore
  • The time duration for two-tone paint application significantlydecreases

EcoPaintJet Pro

Every hole present in the nozzle plate can be opened and closed separately in the latest update of the EcoPaintJet Pro. This opens new opportunities for product personalization andpermits door panels, roof arches, and vertical surfaces to be coated in contrasting colors. In addition, this enables patterns to be applied at areas where otherwise a wrap would have to be used.

Dürr Paint Application Technology in India has develop provided technologies that are exceptional in their line of work. These paint application equipment are highly advanced to make the process of painting or coating areas, ranging from minuscule to large and simple to complicated. What’s more, every technology created by Dürr is environmentally sustainable.


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